4 Music Creativity Tips: How To Boost Your Music Creativity

Four tips I personally use for how to increase your music creativity – helpful for music producers, musicians and artists.

Answering a follower’s question:

What kind of things do you practice to increase your creativity in a session? I always try to eat something and/or take a brief walk before I make a beat.”

4 Music Creativity Tips

There are a many things that you can do prior to working on new music that may help to stimulate your creativity and make you more productive in your session.  And as your pre-music making ritual may vary from mine, I wanted to at least pass along a few tips that personally work for me over the many years of making music.

1. Physical Activity

Any kind of physical activity is going to be great to help stimulate your blood flow, get your body’s endorphins flowing and increase your overall energy.  The specific activities can vary depending on what you personally like to do. A few examples are walking, running, swimming, weight training, biking or any else that will elevate your heart rate and get your blood pumping.

In addition to my regular weight and calisthenic training, what I personally see great results with to increase my music creativity is taking a 30-60 minute walk prior to making music. I typically plug in my headphones and listen to some sort of music marketing or personal development audios – something that’s not necessarily music.  I’ll also focus on specific deep breathing exercises.  There are certain breathing patterns you can practice that will help kick your lymphatic system into gear to rid your body of toxins and give your body an overall big time boost of energy.

4 music creativity tips

2. Food & Hydration

You most definitely don’t want to be hungry while trying to tackle a new creative idea 🙂 You’ll  focus on the hunger and it can end up being really distracting, rather than having 100% of your concentration on the music. Depending on your particular lifestyle, you may try introducing some new foods and drinks into your diet as well.

In addition,  simply making sure your body is sufficiently hydrated can make a world of difference in your music creativity. Most people don’t drink enough H2O, and considering your body is made up of nearly 75% water, it’s super important to give it what it needs to function at its peak performance.

You may also try a caffeinated beverage like coffee for an extra boost of energy – or even a hot cup of tea.

There are a lot of great resources on the web to explore that will be much more informative in those specific areas of nutrition, health and supplements.


3. Listen to Different Music

Another tip that’s been a huge help to me personally with increasing my music creativity is listening to different genres or styles of music than you typically listen to.  I’ll even force myself sometimes to do this.  It will give your musical pallet a slight change of pace, and you may find yourself grabbing inspiration from non-traditional sources and incorporating new ideas into your tracks.


4. Drugs & Alchohol

Now, I’m not a huge proponent of this one, however many musicical genres – including Jazz, Rock and Hip Hop – have a long history of musicians, artists and bands using marijuana, alcohol or other drugs to help stimulate creativity and change their body’s state.  Getting yourself into an altered state can help to induce a different creative workflow than usual, and hopefully get you recording new and innovative music.

One of the interesting things about getting yourself into a particular state, is that you may never be able to replicate or recapture those particular thought processes or ideas ever again.  And that’s why I highly encourage you to get in the habit of pressing the record button often so you don’t lose any awesome ideas you may have while you’re in the zone!


These are just a few of many tips you can use to help boost your creative musical juices. There are a lot of other great articles online you might check out to get some other ideas as well. Develop your own system of what works best for you and keep the the music creativity flowing!

Let’s Connect!


I’m very reachable on the following:  Official Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud | Instagram

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